Beautiful pics of Ree Drummond and Holly Madison feet & legs

Ree Drummond (born Ree Ann Duncan) is a food and recipe writer as well as a blogger and TV host in the US. Most famous for The Pioneer Woman, her blog. She is a resident of an animal ranch located in Oklahoma. The Pioneer Woman blogs about her life on the ranch, as both a woman and a mother. She was awarded her the Weblog of the Year Award in 2010, 2009 and in 2011. The Pioneer Woman was raised in Oklahoma, Bartlesville. At college, she was studying the field of journalism and gerontology. The site was launched by the pioneer in 2006, and changed its name later to Confessions of a Pioneer Woman. Then she changed her name to The Pioneer Woman. Confessions of A Pioneer Woman is among the most popular pages on her site. The blog earned huge fame and success with several prominent publications applauding the style of her writing as well as some stunning photos. The blogger has also published visually stunning food recipes on her blog. Her own television show, The Pioneer Woman, that is still airing today on The Food Network today was first launched in 2011. Also, she is a published writer and her books are full of cooking recipes. Columbia Pictures is turning her book Black Heels to Tractor Wheels into a feature film.

Holly Madison, an American model and best-selling author is an actress on reality television. Holly Madison's role on the reality show The Girls Next Door, which followed her life with her two co-stars as well as their lives in Playboy Mansion in Las Vegas and Holly's World, about her experience in Planet Hollywood Las Vegas is her most popular. Her main occupation is modeling and also made her debut in film in the year 1998's American terror film found-footage "The Last Broadcast.' Stefan Avalos' and Lance Weiler's film was about a documentary filmmaker who was investigating the murders of 2 TV hosts. In the following years, she appeared on a variety of reality television shows in small or cameo characters. She was also featured in several well known fashion magazines. The growing fame she gained as a reality show celebrity prompted her to enter into the world of films once again after a long absence in the latter half of 2000s. Madison also has been the focus of attention due to personal matters. Madison was a girlfriend to Hugh Hefner when he founded "Playboy," which earned her some media attention. Their breakup was extensively reported by the press.

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